Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hope is in the Rafters

waiting for her big debut
You can see her waiting in the wings of the stage


Then suddenly in the midst of my life's chaotic scene
she bursts onto stage

dancing wildly

I do not see her.
I am too entrenched in my own emotions
my pain

My heart is unable to see Hope
But she sees me.

You suddenly notice that the stage becomes very slightly brighter
and we all begin to feel a very little better--though I could not tell you why

Hope continues her dance
twisting, bending, leaping, spinning

She dances around me
and in one leap, bounds down into a kneeling position beside me

Hope touches me gently
and then rolls herself into a standing position and dashes off stage.

The stage remains dimly lit
Minutes later, you notice--
Hope is in the rafters
bouncing almost impatiently
waiting until she can come back on stage and dance her dance

Dance the darkness away


Hope is in the Rafters...

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