Tuesday, January 27, 2009


love love



A rich musky song of love melts into the night



yes, smolders of love


I will sing my lovehymn,
my late-night song

Sleepless, I sing--
sing of longing...

yes, of longing and love

love love


In the midnight hours I wait
Wait for the dawn

Wait for the sun to begin its bright-morning song

Yes, I will sing my smoldering lovehymn and wait for the Son

Wait as a love[h]er waits for that best and brightest lovehymn...

Monday, January 26, 2009

love[h]er--Part I

love love



A bright morning song of love bursts

into light



Yes love,

an early morning song of love
warming with each rising ray of sun


Father of love
singing His bright morning love song

His compelling song that causes the Son to rise

love love


He sings

He sings His love over her

in shouts and whispers, He sings!

He sings and the sun rises and she--

she comes to life

comes to life life life

life & love

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hope is in the Rafters

waiting for her big debut
You can see her waiting in the wings of the stage


Then suddenly in the midst of my life's chaotic scene
she bursts onto stage

dancing wildly

I do not see her.
I am too entrenched in my own emotions
my pain

My heart is unable to see Hope
But she sees me.

You suddenly notice that the stage becomes very slightly brighter
and we all begin to feel a very little better--though I could not tell you why

Hope continues her dance
twisting, bending, leaping, spinning

She dances around me
and in one leap, bounds down into a kneeling position beside me

Hope touches me gently
and then rolls herself into a standing position and dashes off stage.

The stage remains dimly lit
Minutes later, you notice--
Hope is in the rafters
bouncing almost impatiently
waiting until she can come back on stage and dance her dance

Dance the darkness away


Hope is in the Rafters...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hopelessly Devoted to you...

Kristel mentioned "Grease" and it made me think of that song.

Today was a strange day.

I had an almost complete replay of a car ride last year. The David Crowder song "Into Marvelous Light I Run."

& I was struck by the enormous grace of God.

Just like it happened last year, I had a flashback

to life on my own this past year


I'd describe the flashback of what I saw, but it's depressing (and slightly pornographic in one segment)

I saw how I screwed it up big time for the second year in a row.

I saw how dim and lifeless and dark my way was.

The joy I thought I had at certain times seemed completely fradulent


a shadow

I began to cry.
Whispering "Thank you."

& I saw what God has given me once again:


Sunday, January 4, 2009

UnTIREing grace

This is my hopeful, encouraging blog; ergo, I will share what happened yesterday:

It was mid-morning and I was on my way to volunteer at Buddy Break, an organization my best friend Julie helps run that helps parents of special needs children. I turned my car on and it sounded and felt a little funny.

I thought, "I must really need that oil change sooner rather than later."

I kept driving. I reached into my bag to get out my chapstick and felt my car drift when i let go of the wheel with one hand.

I thought "I must really need an allignment too."

I kept driving. The whole car began to make louder protests and began to shudder.

I thought, "I'll have Jose or someone take a peek at it once I get to Buddy Break."

I kept driving. I turned on Hillsborough and was having a hard time controlling the car. The noise was so loud and now I began to smell something hideous. Within 30 seconds, my ability to navigate and go a reasonable speed was gone. I realized I wasn't going to make it to the church.

So I stopped. It wasn't that easy. But I realized that God was with me.

I didn't hit anything.
And I didn't get hurt.

God graced my situation.

I still didn't know it was my tire that was the problem. I was stuck on Hillsborough Ave (a big road in Tampa). I called Jose to come help me.

Then I got out and looked at my car, which was now smelling awful. This is what I saw:

Completely slashed. No Idea how.

So this couple about my parent's age stop to help. The husband stopped traffic, so I could back my car out of the highway and into a little parking lot. Then he proceeded to get off this smelly, hot, broken tire.

When Jose came, he finished putting the donut tire on. The couple were Christians and were encouraging and very sweet.

But the thing is: I was frustrated, thinking, "Here's more money I got to throw away that I don't have."

But seriously? I could have been injured, or injured someone else.

I didn't.

I could have been stranded without help.

I wasn't.

I could have had more damage to my car.

There wasn't.

And I know that God protected me.

So I have to believe.

That he is watching me.

That he is guiding me.

That he loves me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I feel like I should make some...despite my luck/experience with them in the past. So here goes:

1. With God's help, I will stay on the straight and the narrow this year, getting closer to my God.

2. With God's help, I will remain chaste this year and will especially not become involved with men that do not know Jesus.

3. With God's help, I will find the job that I am supposed to be at this year.

4. With God's help, I will continue to eat healthy and will exercise more often.

5. With God's help, I will continue this hard lesson of forgiveness and mercy.

6. With God's help, I will try to not seek my own vengeance or willfulness.

7. With God's help, I will minister to those in need.