Tuesday, March 18, 2014


It's the nights where you toss and turn in pain...
...that lead to the mornings where you wake up exhausted.

"I'm dying."  Those two days I felt semi-human last week?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Still a Cynic...

I've made a deep discovery:  I know why I don't write.

I don't know HOW to write about being actually happy.

Sure, there's a lot of stuff going wrong in my life right now...but overall, I'm pretty content.

And I do NOT know how to write about it.

Take my wedding day for example -- I've been telling myself to write about it since day 3 of marriage. I had my journal on the honeymoon and was sick and tired with plenty of optimal time to sit and write out all the beautiful details of the best day of my life.

But I didn't.

I'm 4 months in and I still haven't.

I also haven't watched the long-version of our wedding video.  I just...can't...

I don't know what to do with happiness and joy.

The only times this year I've been tempted to write have been when life has been a bitch to me.

Like my ears and lungs....or my sex life...or my need to forgive people...or my desire to go back to work.

But I can't write.

And it's systematic of this much deeper problem -- I don't know how to stop and record happiness.

I haven't taken hardly any pictures since I got engaged, besides the professional ones.  Ben and I have gone out on dates, we had a honeymoon, we've had plenty of time to take moments of this early joy of sharing life.

And I don't capture it.

I don't want to be one of those people that only looks at life through the lens of their cameraphone.  But I do think that given my penchant for photography, I should be out taking pictures.

What am I afraid of?

Why am I hiding my happiness?

Why do I only share the darkness?

I wanted to write today about some really tough stuff we're going through, but no, I have to admit this first problem to myself.


It is good and right to take delight in the joys that life brings.  Cataloging it won't make it disappear.  Sharing the joy won't diminish it.  Do you only want to have journals and blogs filled with pain?  Do you not want to share the love and joy in your heart with others?

I know you're afraid of having to face your past again.  I know you're afraid of losing Ben.  I know you're not sure what to do with your life with God right now.

But don't be the girl that only bleeds and screams and hurts.  Be the girl that also loves, rejoices, triumphs.

You need to get out and take pictures. The tabebuia are blooming early this year.  I know last year was rough and they didn't bloom until April and you had lost Ben and Gio and a major work battle.  This year isn't the same.

Be thankful. And yes, take a look at the serious, hurting stuff too.  But share any little joy you may have.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

God, can we just face this and be done?

Can I trust you to take me through this round of Shadowlands?

I need to.  I need YOU.

Help me to trust you.

- Trust that we WILL get through this.
- Trust that I am not alone in this.
- Trust that you have a plan in this.

Psalm 70

Oh God, Hurry to save me; Eternal One, hurry to my side. 

Of onions & brokenness

oh God.

I'm running and running and running...

& the lungs of my heart hurt....

Why won't I go and be alone with you?

Why am I postponing this doctor's appointment with the Healer?


How many times do I have to go through this?

How many times will my heart break?

How long, oh Lord?

This thing is my onion, with never-ending layers and tear keep streaming and streaming.

I am so tired of crying over this onion.

What does surrender mean?

What does it even look like?

I am haunted

by memories
by dreams
by my life

I thought each time it would be easier...and the last time we did this song and dance it was the hardest yet.  It lasted a few dark years where I drank to keep the insanity at bay.  I raged and cried and died daily...died to you or to me?  I don't know.

I only know that I've spent yet another week hiding from this.

It affects our relationship, God.

And the big difference between this onion layer and all the others is that I have this husband you gave me to consider.

I want to run away.

Please help me.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New years day

It's the first day of 2014 and it's time to begin the dig.

the descent.

The descent is the decent thing to do...the life-giving thing to do.

And yet I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of who I am.
I'm afraid of what will need to change.
I'm afraid of reigniting pains I've managed to stuff down.
I'm afraid I'll break again.
I'm afraid I won't be a good wife.

So God, I know 2014 is destined to be a year that goes deep into my heart.  My cringing selfish little heart.

Help me to come out into the light.